First-Party Commercial Collections 

First-Party Commercial Collections 

Like any business, your company relies on consistent payment for your products or services. However, many companies find themselves in a situation with more volume and fewer internal resources than is required to  effectively address their receivable. Left untouched, customers can quickly turn into debtors and fall into bad payment habits, creating an ongoing collection challenge.

Finding a cost-effective solution that allows you to scale your AR Department quickly and maintain recovery rates is possible with Amalgamated.

Amalgamated has been providing Outsourcing/Accounts Receivable Management Solutions for close to three decades.   Whether short term “clean-up” programs or ongoing 1st party Outsourcing, a wide range of programs have been customized and developed for our clients to meet their immediate and long term collection goals!

Our solutions provide our clients with the most effective and affordable programs available, while giving special attention to their requirements and sensitivities. Our professional staff and expertise in this area afford you a valuable extension to your internal A/R and Collection Departments.

Our First-Person Collections Services for Commercial Partners

When you partner with us for your first-party services, you can expect results, along with value- adds that are hard to put a price on, including:

  • Development of customized AR strategies and solutions that secure consistent payments and cash flow .
  • The ability to scale the program up to address other areas of your AR, especially during periods of rapid growth or staff reductions.   Therefore, allowing you to always address 100% of your receivable.
  • Increased collection results from your internal staff by allowing focus on the larger accounts that provide you the biggest “bang for your buck”.
  • Turning debtors back into good paying customers. Our consistent efforts will re-train customers to be timely payers in the future.

Contact Amalgamated Financial Group to Get Started

Amalgamated Financial Group can help you significantly improve your A/R performance with dependable first-party collections and A/R management services. To get started, contact us online today!