Law Office Collections

Exclusive Legal Escalation

Difficult cases are assigned to the Law Offices of Weinstock & O’Malley, Amalgamated’s network debt collection law firm, which reduces litigation for our clients to less than half of 1% of all cases placed for collections.

Utilizing the Law Offices of Weinstock & O’Malley during the initial phases of the collection process increases bad debt recovery percentages, secures higher settlements, reduces litigation costs, and saves time resolving the more difficult assignments, which reduces or eliminates costly judgment enforcement and filters accounts that were non-responsive to initial collection efforts but are responsive to pending litigation for failure to comply.

As an extension of our client’s receivable management strategy, the records, notes, documentation are all transparent to the Law Offices of Weinstock & O’Malley. This eliminates any repetitive objections for nonpayment, reduces the resources needed from our client and streamlines the handling of an account at a reduced cost when compared to litigation.